Sit on your side with your hips pushed back and spine neutral
Press the weight out fast
Don't lock your knees out at the top
Control the weight down
Complete Database of Quad Exercises
Step 1 - Stop avoiding the squat with your weak ass excuses….”I have bad knees’…”It hurts by shoulders”.
Step 2 - Grab the barbell shoulder width apart
Step 3 - Bring yourself under the bar whilst keeping your hands in the same position
Step 4 - Squeeze your shoulders blades together
Step 5 - Bring the bar to an almost comfortable position just above your shoulder blades and sitting across your posterior delts
Step 6- Brace your core and take a deep breath
Step 7 - Unrack the bar by squeezing your gluts, this will allow your hips to slightly drive forward and unrack the bar.
Step 8 - Walk the bar out with a minimal amount of steps
Step 9 - Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart and slightly facing outwards.
Step 10 - Exhale, then take a deep breath whilst re-bracing your glutes and core.
Step 11 - Start the squat by pushing your hips back and letting your knees track towards your toes, I suggest you slightly push your knees out to increase glute activation.
Step 12 - Once you have hit depth (thighs parallel to the ground), drive up by contracting your legs, driving your hips forward and knees slightly out
Step 13 - Take a second to appreciate how biomechanically awesome what you just did was.
Step 14 - Repeat