The data shows that up to 6-8 sets per muscle group, the gains continue to rise, but beyond, we get hit with a pretty hard plateau – it's clear that more work doesn't always equal more gains, and can even be detrimental.
If you want to look like an athlete, you should train like one! There’s so much you can take from this statement that could take your training to the next level.
We're a walking talking manifestation of our daily habits. Which is why we need to reinvent ourselves and cultivate habits that are conducive to our goals.
A rain garden is a low area of ground designed to soak away rainwater runoff. It can be planted up with water-loving native perennials that attract wildlife.
To help get you started and get those engines revving each morning, here are just a couple of low calorie breakfast ideas that might float your boat. Which of these will you whip up first?
Caffeine is one of a handful of performance-enhancing supplements that are recommended within the evidence-based community, and for good reason – it’s effective!